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General observations


General observations pointed out to me by clever friends:-

June 2012

PM outlines radical welfare changes.
Regional welfare idea scrubbed at the 11th hour despite aide's earlier media briefing to the contrary. Considers some benefits "in kind" not cash. Vouchers - food?
Obsborne again embarrasses colleagues.

Cyprus - bail out turned down by Merkel, Spanish and Italian interest rates rise.  Merkel has coalition problems. If Euro goes, German economy will lose . Spain accepts 100billion Euros plus conditions.

Dominic Lawson - Blair complains about the Euro but he helped create the crisis.  Only problem with the Blair Solution - the Germans won't do it, and they can't do it.

Michael Gove - wanted to be a porn star (allegedly) - pity he didn't make it.

Nat West mess - cuts can cost dear. India runs the computers which failed.

World's oldest bank - Banca Monte del Paschi di Siena - asks government for 1billion Euro aid (the first Italian bank to do so since the crisis).

30 NHS Trusts at risk as funding crisis grows - combination of PFI and badly organised changes "Hospital on every street corner" is NOT the answer.

Barclays - Bob Diamond - call for police probe into rate rigging.

Kate to sleep rough one night - her slogan "palace and £66,000 wardrobe to support."

Hospitals, schools, homes - PFI - look at the small print as to ignore it will ensure failure of the business on lack of funding in c 5 years (max).  Beware buildings too large - they were build for another purpose (freehold is their game).

London "Exchange and Mart" - the Financial "Industry" is least well regulared in the world and compares with the Wild West in its heyday - lawless, greedy, unaccountable. Foreign business is attracted her for that reason - to share in the trough. The rate rigging scandal is only to be expected in this kind of environment. Should the misdeeds lead to criminal proceedings?  Yes, why not?

£290 million fine on Barclays is a joke could just about pay the Boss.  HSBC, RBS, Citigroup and UBS are also complicit. Cameron does NOT want to go this far - also FSA have now powers to launch criminal investigations.  Osborne says they (the watchdogs) were in talks with fraud police "to see if a case could be mounted" Now, that's a joke and a blind alley.

The financiers take profits and the taxpayer takes the risk.

PFI - buildings worth £11 .4 billion - cost to the taxpayer - £70 billion.

Osborne - latest U-tur in on the 3p duty increase due in August - now delayed till January.

Barclays advisor for 5 years during the scandal years will take charge of NHS financial affairs!

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