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Friday, 28 August 2009
Dear Mrs Oliver
Your complaint about Stockport MBC (the council)
Thank you for your email dated 28 August 2009 which I have added to the file.
Yours sincerely
Michael Warburton
Senior Complaints Officer
Information Commissioner's Office
Tel: 01625 545 802
Michael Warburton
Senior Complaints Officer
Information Commissioner's Office
Tel: 01625 545 802
-----Original Message-----
From: Sheila Oliver []
Sent: 28 August 2009 08:13
To: Michael Warburton
Subject: A big piece of the jigsaw
Dear Mr Warburton
A big piece has fallen in place. I got my second massive ban when I started to ask about the compulsory purchase documents. What they had to stop me seeing is that there is a 9 inch wide "ransom strip" which the Council needs to CPO in order to build the school. They can't build it without this strip. It belongs to a house next door to where the school is going. The Council has told Department for Schools and Families lawyers that they don't know who owns the land. It is obvious they know who owns the land and they haven't even contacted the houseowner, who with the previous owner has planted up this strip with trees and bushes over the past 38 years. If you do that and no-one challenges your actions, the land then becomes yours.
So, they had to stop me finding out about this ransom strip (which I knew about anyway from the first time I ever read the FOI documents). I have informed the owners, who most certainly don't want the school to be built, and told them to hold out for £2 million for this 9 inch wide strip. The press will do a story, the Council will be exposed as having lied to the DCSF lawyers, they will have to pay huge costs if they buy the land and face long, long delays in the CPO process if they don't. No wonder they couldn't afford to let me see those documents and had to brand me rude, offensive, a liar and vexatious.
Stockport Council's untrue motto is:Cleaner Safer Stronger Greener - or some such rot. I think we should have it changed to:
Stockport Council - Bent as a 9 Bob Note ;o)
Kind regards


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Dear Ms Oliver
I refer to the recent emails you have exchanged with Rachael Cragg and the ICO.
To avoid any confusion, I would like to point out that the only case I dealt with for you was under reference FS50205853 where I was successful in persuading the council to disclose the requested information.
Yours sincerely
Michael Warburton Senior Complaints Officer
Complaints Resolution
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
T. 01625 545802 F. 01625 524510

From: Sheila Oliver []
Sent: 22 January 2012 16:27
To: casework
Cc: Michael Warburton
Subject: Re: RCC0429756[Ref. RCC0429756]
Dear Ms Cragg
Refer this up to the Board. Cover yourself. Note the blocked ventilation shafts in the attached newspaper article.
We might have another Aberfan here.
Also, the Council lied about the contamination - they knew it was contaminated, I knew it was contaminated. I tried to inform the developers, but due to Mr. Warburton's inexplicable vexatious branding of me, I couldn't find out who they were. The Council made the developers liable for all contamination costs, so there will be lawsuits over that between the developers and the council.
The police have serious concerns about the traffic situation around the school:-
I said this all along and there is absolutely no solution so kids will die The Council admitted at planning the arrangements were inadequate. They came up with a solution for a turning circle, but they don't own the land. When I tried to point out that their solution to this dangerous problem wouldn't work - they can't have the turning circle because the don't own the land - Mr Warburton's vexatious branding was used to shut me up.
In addition, an ambulance crew couldn't reach a lady in her 80s who fell in her home. I pointed out to the Council this emergency services access problem they were creating. Because of Mr Warburton's vexatious branding of me, the Council was able to ignore me. This lady is likely to fall again and not be reached by emergency services.
I say again, you need to refer this problem up to Commissioner and Board level. It is too great for you to sort out, I imagine.
Kind regards
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 8:53 AM
Subject: RCC0429756[Ref. RCC0429756]


16th January 2012

Case Reference Number RCC0429756

Dear Mrs Oliver

Thank you for your emails sent in response to mine of 11 January 2012. As I previously explained to you the Commissioner found that your request to Stockport Council was vexatious. This was determined via a decision notice, it has previously been explained to you that if you were unhappy with that decision you should have appealed to the Information Tribunal. There is no further action we can take with regards this decision and we will not correspond further with you on this matter.

You have referred in your email to the 'what do they know website' and make general references to further requests made to Stockport Borough Council and also Devon Council, if you wish to make complaints about other requests you have made you need to write to this providing us with:

- a copy of the request
- a copy of the council's refusal notice
- a copy of your request for an internal review
- the outcome of the council's internal review.
Yours sincerely

Rachael Cragg
Group Manager - Complaints Resolution
Information Commissioner's Office


The ICO’s mission is to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.

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Any email including its content may be monitored and used by the Information Commissioner's Office for reasons of security and for monitoring internal compliance with the office policy on staff use. Email monitoring or blocking software may also be used. Please be aware that you have a responsibility to ensure that any email you write or forward is within the bounds of the law.
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Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113 Fax: 01625 524 510 Web:


Dear Ms Oliver,
Your complaint concerning Stockport MBC (the council)

Our reference: FS50205853

Thank you for your email dated 27 January 2012.

On 12 January 2010 I was finally able to persuade the council to disclose to you copies of correspondence concerning the Harcourt Street CPO during a specific time period.

I confirmed the position in my email to you dated 14 January 2010, a copy of which is attached.

Yours sincerely
Michael Warburton Senior Complaints Officer
Complaints Resolution
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
T. 01625 545802 F. 01625 524510

From: Sheila Oliver []
Sent: 27 January 2012 10:34
To: Michael Warburton
Subject: Re: [Ref. RCC0429756]

Dear Mr Warburton
I am sorry if I have maligned you and will correct the statement if I have.
I have had no information regarding the toxic waste dump school for years, despite the site being toxic as I said, despite them suddenly having to borrow £5 million as I said, despite the police having complained about the dangerous traffic situation as I said, despite local people being denied access to the rear of their own properties as I said, despite the school not being finished in six months, as I said.
Perhaps you could clear up that misunderstanding for me. What information did you persuade them to disclose?
Kind regards
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Warburton
To: 'Sheila Oliver'
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 3:00 PM
Subject: [Ref. RCC0429756]
Dear Ms Oliver
I refer to the recent emails you have exchanged with Rachael Cragg and the ICO.
To avoid any confusion, I would like to point out that the only case I dealt with for you was under reference FS50205853 where I was successful in persuading the council to disclose the requested information.
Yours sincerely
Michael Warburton Senior Complaints Officer
Complaints Resolution
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
T. 01625 545802 F. 01625 524510

From: Sheila Oliver []
Sent: 22 January 2012 16:27
To: casework
Cc: Michael Warburton
Subject: Re: RCC0429756[Ref. RCC0429756]

Dear Ms Cragg
Refer this up to the Board. Cover yourself. Note the blocked ventilation shafts in the attached newspaper article.
We might have another Aberfan here.
Also, the Council lied about the contamination - they knew it was contaminated, I knew it was contaminated. I tried to inform the developers, but due to Mr. Warburton's inexplicable vexatious branding of me, I couldn't find out who they were. The Council made the developers liable for all contamination costs, so there will be lawsuits over that between the developers and the council.
The police have serious concerns about the traffic situation around the school:-
I said this all along and there is absolutely no solution so kids will die The Council admitted at planning the arrangements were inadequate. They came up with a solution for a turning circle, but they don't own the land. When I tried to point out that their solution to this dangerous problem wouldn't work - they can't have the turning circle because the don't own the land - Mr Warburton's vexatious branding was used to shut me up.
In addition, an ambulance crew couldn't reach a lady in her 80s who fell in her home. I pointed out to the Council this emergency services access problem they were creating. Because of Mr Warburton's vexatious branding of me, the Council was able to ignore me. This lady is likely to fall again and not be reached by emergency services.
I say again, you need to refer this problem up to Commissioner and Board level. It is too great for you to sort out, I imagine.
Kind regards
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 8:53 AM
Subject: RCC0429756[Ref. RCC0429756]


16th January 2012

Case Reference Number RCC0429756

Dear Mrs Oliver

Thank you for your emails sent in response to mine of 11 January 2012. As I previously explained to you the Commissioner found that your request to Stockport Council was vexatious. This was determined via a decision notice, it has previously been explained to you that if you were unhappy with that decision you should have appealed to the Information Tribunal. There is no further action we can take with regards this decision and we will not correspond further with you on this matter.

You have referred in your email to the 'what do they know website' and make general references to further requests made to Stockport Borough Council and also Devon Council, if you wish to make complaints about other requests you have made you need to write to this providing us with:

- a copy of the request
- a copy of the council's refusal notice
- a copy of your request for an internal review
- the outcome of the council's internal review.
Yours sincerely

Rachael Cragg
Group Manager - Complaints Resolution
Information Commissioner's Office


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Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
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Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113 Fax: 01625 524 510 Web:


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Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113 Fax: 01625 524 510 Web:

Freedom of information is under threat. This will allow the current abuses to carry on and allow yet more loopholes for the incompetent and corrupt to fleece the taxpayers and the council taxpayers.

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